Are you worried about your Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) crash report? If you’ve spotted errors in your report, don’t panic. It may be possible to amend the record. Below, we explain how your report works and how to go about correcting it.

What Is a Texas DPS Accident Report?

Texas DPS crash reports explain what happened in a car accident. They set out various crucial details, including:

  • The date, time, and location of the accident
  • Vehicle(s) involved in the crash
  • Details of the driver(s) involved in the crash
  • Passenger details (if applicable)
  • Witness details (if applicable)

Police reports set out whether the officer issued any citations at the scene or identified any road hazards e.g. ice. And they usually include an officer’s narrative and diagram, which is the officer’s version of events. This is based on evidence at the scene, and statements from driver(s) involved.

Who Needs a TX DPS Accident Report?

You need a TX DPS accident report if the crash:

  • Results in any personal injuries, however minor; or
  • Causes property damage to one or more vehicles worth over $1,000.

If you find yourself in this situation, you must report the crash to the police. This is the first step in obtaining a report. Leaving the scene without reporting the accident could result in serious penalties such as:

  • Monetary fines
  • License suspension
  • License revocation
  • Criminal charges (for more serious incidents)

How to Get a Copy of a Crash Report in Texas

We can help you find the location of your report in Texas. And once you know where to find it, there are a few steps to obtaining your crash report.

  • Gather the information you need. This will include your personal details and the accident or crash report number.
  • Check the fee for requesting a copy of the report. It’s usually between $6 and $8 per copy.
  • Go to the TxDOT website and use the Crash Report Online Purchase System. Complete the form and await a response.
  • You will only receive the report if you have legal standing to request a copy. In other words, you must be the driver or a passenger in the crash.

Do you really need a copy of your crash report? Absolutely. Not only does your report help with insurance and personal injury claims, but you must check that it’s accurate. Report inaccuracies can cause issues during the claims process, as we’ll discuss below.

Types of Accident Report Errors

Some of the main issues with Texas DPS crash report errors are:

  • Omissions: An officer may forget to include something they should have, such as comments about an injury you sustained.
  • Statement errors: There’s a chance that the officer picked you up wrong and wrote down something incorrect. For example, maybe you said you had a sore shoulder, but the officer wrote down a sore back.
  • Factual errors: This is when the officer writes down something factually wrong e.g. the wrong location or accident date.
  • Disputes: Disputes arise when two parties have different recollections of the same event. This can happen between drivers or even witnesses.

What Happens if My Texas DPS Crash Report Is Wrong?

It’s normal if you’re stressed when you find a problem in your report. After all, errors can cause various problems with your claims. A wrong Texas crash report can mean:

  • Your insurer won’t settle, or they want to pay less than you deserve
  • You can’t pursue what you deserve for a personal injury claim
  • Your own driving records are now wrong

Put simply, errors could reduce the value of any claims you deserve to make.

Close up of driver signing a car accident insurance document with keys and toy car in foreground

How to Amend a Texas DPS Accident Reports

To be clear, there’s never any guarantee that a DPS crash report in TX will be changed. It all depends on what the problem is and the evidence you can provide.

However, it’s always a good idea to at least contact the police to discuss the issue. So, here’s how you might go about amending a Texas DPS crash report.

Act Quickly

First, don’t panic. Instead, just act fast. The sooner you deal with the errors, the quicker you can complete your insurance or legal claims. And the sooner you can move forward with your life after the crash!

This is another reason why, although you have two years from the crash to file a personal injury claim, you should move quickly. You’ll have more evidence this way, but it also just helps you move on with life.

If you’re unsure what to do next, always call a lawyer.

Contact the Police Department

Next, contact the relevant department. If possible, try to speak to the officer who attended the scene. You should have their details; if not, check your accident report.

Provide Proof of Your Statement

You’re unlikely to get Texas DPS crash reports changed without proof. In other words, you need evidence to show why it’s wrong.

How can you prove that you are right? It all depends on the error. However, you might supply evidence such as:

  • Your medical records
  • Copy of your insurance policy
  • Copy of your driver’s license
  • Vehicle details

It’s much harder to have certain information, such as witness statements, changed. That’s because these comments are someone else’s version of events.

What can you do, though? Well, you can ask to make an additional statement of your own to help clarify things.

Stay Calm

Although it’s frustrating, stay calm! Always be polite but firm. You won’t get anywhere with the local police or peace officers if you lose your temper.

Be calm, rational, and precise. Explain yourself clearly and you’re more likely to have the TX DPS crash report changed.

Hire an Attorney

You can often amend TX DPS accident reports without much trouble. However, sometimes, crash records are complicated. The evidence may be contradictory, or you might be unable to prove why the report should be changed.

If the police refuse to amend your report, you may need an attorney’s help. If you don’t have your own lawyer, our team can match you with attorneys who can assist.

Find Your Auto Accident Report in Texas Now

Do you need a Texas DPS crash report? Let us help you find it. We know exactly where to look for all crash reports in Texas. And if you need a lawyer or doctor for a legal claim, we’ll help with that, too!

Don’t delay in moving your legal claims forward. Contact Auto Accident Report and ask for assistance in locating your accident report!