Have you been in a Florida car accident? Chances are high that you need an accident report. But what should you do with your report once you have it? How do you file your report and progress your case without making costly mistakes?

If you have such questions, don’t worry. Our experienced team has the answers below.

What Is a Florida Car Accident Report?

A car accident report is a legal document establishing what happened to cause an auto crash. It includes vital information such as:

  • Time and date of the accident
  • Driver information and insurance details
  • Vehicle information
  • Details of passengers involved in the crash
  • Police officer’s narrative on who caused the accident
  • Personal injuries
  • Property damage
  • Road conditions
  • Citations (if applicable e.g., speeding ticket)

Reports are completed by law enforcement officers who attend the scene. And although it can be challenged, a crash report can be crucial to any compensation or insurance claim.

Who Needs a State of Florida Accident Report?

In Florida, you must stop immediately if you’re in a crash with property damage or personal injuries. You must contact the police to report the crash if any of the following apply:

A failure to report a crash when required could lead to penalties, including license suspension or revocation. You may even face hit-and-run charges – even if there’s only property damage.

It’s hard to value property damage at the scene. And injuries can take time to manifest. This means that, in reality, you should always call law enforcement to report an accident.

Why Your Accident Report Matters

Even if you’re not sure if you need a report, it’s still worth pursuing. Here’s why.

  • The accident report declares who could be responsible for a road accident. It’s a significant piece of evidence.
  • You can always use your Florida crash report as evidence in a legal or insurance claim.
  • The report is important for your own record-keeping.

If in doubt, always report an accident and request a copy of your police accident report.

Where Do I Get a Florida Motor Vehicle Accident Report?

You can contact your local law enforcement agency for a copy. However, you could waste significant time and energy trying to find the right department.

The quickest and easiest way to get your Florida crash report is by contacting us. We will locate your report without fuss so you can obtain a copy sooner rather than later. Or we can connect you to a trusted attorney in our network who can get a copy for you.

Insurance officer completing crash report after car accident

Filing a Florida Accident Report: Mistakes to Avoid

If you’ve never filed a crash report before, it’s easy to make avoidable mistakes. Here are the five most common mistakes we see when individuals file a crash report.

1. Failing to Check for Inaccuracies

You only get one chance to submit your Florida crash report to insurance companies and other interested parties. If there’s an error, omission, or inaccuracy, it could damage your claim. Issues to look for include:

  • Wrong accident date, time, or location
  • Error with license plate numbers
  • Name spelling errors
  • Missing information, e.g., about a road hazard or a DUI issued at the scene

What should you do if there’s a problem with your report? Contact law enforcement immediately to discuss the matter. If you have an attorney, they can handle this for you.

2. Missing a Filing Deadline

Depending on the type of claim you make, there may be filing deadlines to follow. For example, personal injury claims must be filed within two years of the accident date. Insurance companies often have their own deadlines for submitting evidence.

Check your insurance policy. Ensure you understand when you must submit a claim. If you’re unsure what time limits apply, a Florida car accident attorney can assist. They can also ensure that you don’t miss any deadlines throughout the claims process.

Filing deadlines are just one reason why it’s so crucial to get your accident report fast. Auto Accident Reports is on hand, 24/7, waiting to help.

3. Failing to Submit Your Florida Accident Report to the Right Parties

It can be confusing to identify where to submit your accident report. Which department should you contact? And who requires a copy of your report?

A Florida crash lawyer will understand who to submit accident reports to. But if you submit a report yourself, you’ll likely need to show a copy to your own insurer. You may also need to provide a copy to other interested parties, depending on the unique facts of your case.

4. Not Seeking Medical Attention

Your accident report contains information about injuries identified at the scene. However, these may not tell the full story. You should be examined by your own doctor or attend ER after a crash.

Even minor injuries must be checked. Some potentially serious conditions, such as head trauma or internal bleeding, take days to manifest.

Once you know the extent of your injuries, you should submit the additional evidence alongside your accident report. Evidence includes medical records, prescription costs, and therapy bills.

Without submitting this extra evidence, you could jeopardize your claim.

5. Not Getting Legal Advice

Accident claims are complicated. A car accident lawyer can help you through the entire process – even if your crash was seemingly minor. They can also help you avoid common pitfalls, such as apologizing or implying you caused the crash (both of which can damage your claim).

Before you submit your accident report in Florida, have an attorney evaluate it. They can review the evidence and explain the strengths and weaknesses of any legal claim you have.

Get Florida Crash Reports Online

Do you need a Florida car accident report? Look no further than Auto Accident Reports. Our team knows exactly how to find any Florida car accident report.

Simply provide us with some basic crash details, and we’ll get to work quickly! Once we find your report, we’ll provide all the details you need right to your inbox. In the meantime, you can focus on recovering – not searching for paperwork.

Contact Auto Accident Reports now to learn more or get started!