Your Hassle Free Solution to Finding Your Auto Accident Report in South Carolina.
Were you involved in an accident where you or someone in your vehicle were injured?
Let us help you today!
Our team will help you obtain your police report free of charge and our vetted team of attorneys will get you the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
Begin that process here.
- Fill out this form ONLY if you have been in an auto accident and DO NOT have representation
- Your auto accident report is essential for filing insurance claims
- We can only assist persons who have been involved in an accident
Speak to one of our knowledgable agents immediately who can help you navigate the difficult world of auto accidents and locate your auto accident report.
Your Accident Report is the First Step to a Successful Outcome for Your Accident
Learn how to acquire your auto accident report in west South Carolina and the surrounding areas including Abbeville County, Aiken County, Allendale County, Anderson County, Bamberg County, Barnwell County, Beaufort County, Berkeley County, Calhoun County, Charleston County, Cherokee County, Chester County, Chesterfield County, Clarendon County, Colleton County, Darlington County, Dillon County, Dorchester County, Edgefield County, Fairfield County, Florence County, Georgetown County, Greenwood County, Hampton County, Horry County, Jasper Count, Kershaw County, Lancaster County, Laurens County, Lee County, Marion County, Marlboro County, McCormick County, Newberry County, Oconee County, Orangeburg County, Pickens County, Richland County, Saluda County, Spartanburg County, Sumter County, Union County, Williamsburg County and York County.
Your first step in documentation for filing an insurance claim is acquiring your South Carolina car accident report.
Begin that process here, whether you’re a party who’s directly involved with the accident or family members of the injured party.
Why is it Important to get an Accident Report in South Carolina?
A traffic accident report in South Carolina or anywhere else in the United States can help the injured party claim compensation for personal injury or damage to the property. It’s a critical document that includes all the information and details you need to file an insurance claim. A traffic accident typically occurs due to the fault of one party’s careless driving or negligence, and a report helps determine who was responsible for the accident.
But what does a South Carolina accident report contain? It includes a police officer’s account of the accident along with information about the date, time, and location where the event took place and other details regarding the condition of the road and circumstances. Plus detailed information about how the accident occurred, damage to the vehicles, injuries to the concerned parties, and who was driving the vehicle is also included in the crash report. The police officer, who responds to the crash, typically does the investigation regarding how the accident took place and completes the report.
When is an accident report required? It’s needed in almost all types of accidents. However, a difference in procedure may occur in case of road accidents with severe and minor damage. For instance, in case of bodily injuries, death or property damage of more than $500, it’s essential to report the accident to the police before the concerned parties leave the scene so the police can also prepare a law enforcement report. On the other hand, if it’s a minor crash that doesn’t involve injuries or massive property damage, then the concerned parties can themselves report the incident to the police as there is no need for a law enforcement report. However, an accident report would still be required to claim damage compensation.
How To Obtain A Car Accident Report In South Carolina Police Department
If you’re looking for accident reports in South Carolina, there are three ways to obtain that information.
In-person: If you have been personally involved in the accident or witnessed one, you can go straight to either of their police department buildings in South Carolina and fill out a request form for a South Carolina accident report. Make sure you bring with you official state identification cards like driver licenses. They will request you to sign a form, which allows them to give out accident reports.
By lawyer: If you have been injured and have a lawyer, that attorney can request the South Carolina accident report on your behalf. You, your lawyer, and even your insurance company are permitted to obtain an accident report under South Carolina law. In this case, the police department does not require you to fill out any forms or make copies of state identification cards.
Online: All accident reports in South Carolina are available online. Auto Accident Report provides free South Carolina accident reports and South Carolina police reports to all victims of automobile accidents and their families. You can access your free, no-obligation report in minutes by filling out the form above.