After a Texas auto crash, chances are you want to move on quickly. You want to leave the stress of the crash behind you and settle your accident claim.

The first step towards achieving this goal is by getting your Texas accident report. Your report is vital for helping insurance loss adjusters settle your case. So, below, we explain why your report matters and how to get your own copy.

What Is an Accident Report?

Your accident report in Texas is a summary of the accident scene. It sets out what happened to cause a crash in the officer’s opinion, based on the evidence. And it includes critical information about the vehicle(s) and driver(s) involved.

Although it’s based only on the officer’s assessment of the scene, it’s a key piece of evidence in any claim. It’s not above challenge, especially if an officer didn’t witness the crash. But it’s highly useful in all civil and insurance claims.

What Does a Texas Accident Report Show?

Your report shows vital information about the crash, including:

  • Accident date, time, and precise location
  • Vehicle information e.g. license plate number, make, and model
  • Driver(s) information e.g. driver’s license number, name, home address
  • Injuries apparent at the scene
  • Property damage apparent at the scene
  • Road hazards e.g. storm, potholes, poor lighting
  • Citations issued e.g. for a hit and run, DUI, or traffic law violation
  • Witness details e.g. name and contact information
  • Officer’s assessment of the scene, including diagrams

Who Needs an Accident Report in Texas?

Drivers involved in a Texas auto crash may need an accident report. This is usually the case for crashes involving physical injury (however minor) or certain types of property damage.

If you don’t know whether you need a report, call the police. It’s always best to report the crash even when you don’t need to. Otherwise, you could be accused of leaving the scene of an accident. This is a serious charge but one which is easily avoided by simply calling the police.

Are Accident Reports Ever Legally Required in Texas?

Yes. If the crash results in personal injury, or property damage worth $1,000 or more, you need a crash report. Not reporting a crash when you need to could result in fines or penalties such as license suspension.

The attending officer must submit their report to TxDOT within 10 days. This is a legal requirement. But it’s worth bearing in mind that your report could take at least 10 days, then, to be ready.

Benefits of Having Accident Reports in Texas

Not everyone needs accident reports in Texas by law. However, there are various reasons why you should always get a report, even if you don’t “need” a copy.

  • Accident reports help to reduce delays when you file an insurance claim. That’s because the report helps insurers apportion blame. It also helps them value the claim cost.
  • If you’re injured, a crash report can confirm you were hurt during the crash. This is helpful if you plan on making a personal injury claim.
  • It’s always worth having a copy for your own records. Should legal claims or issues arise later, your report could be invaluable.

How to Get Your Texas Accident Report

Ready to get your Texas accident report? Follow the simple steps below to speed up the process.

Get the Information You Need

First, make sure you have the right information to get started.

You’ll need basic details such as the crash date, time, and location. If you have an incident or report number, have it to hand. Having these details means it’s easier to look up your report right away.

Contact an Attorney

If you have a lawyer, such as a personal injury attorney, they can get your report in Texas.

There’s no telling how long this will take, though. Claims can take a long time to resolve. And it’s always a good idea to have your own copy, anyway.

Close up of a woman with broken wrist completing an accident claims form with car keys at side

Contact an Online Service

You can always visit your local police department to discuss your crash report. However, this is not the quickest way forward.

Using an online service, such as Auto Accident Report, is the easiest way to find your report initially. And, once you know which agency issued the report, you can normally file your request online. This is easier than waiting at a service desk for your crash report!

Complete the Form

TxDOT requires you to complete a CR-91 Form to get an accident report. You must confirm that you’re entitled to see the report e.g. you were involved in the accident.

Know the Fee

You will usually pay a fee to obtain a crash report in Texas. The fee is relatively small (around $8) but you can’t get your report without paying this amount.

Check the Accuracy of Your Report

Once you obtain your Texas crash report, don’t assume that it’s accurate. There’s always the risk that a crucial detail is wrong. And this could damage your claim. Double-check the facts such as:

  • Accident date, time, location
  • Details of vehicle(s) involved
  • Driver(s) details

Is anything wrong? Contact the law enforcement agency that issued your report. They can make the necessary changes before you send the report to your insurer or attorney.

How Long it Takes to Obtain a TX Crash Report

It can take 20 business days for your Texas crash report to be released. So, the sooner you start the process, the sooner you can resolve your accident claim.

That’s why you should use Auto Accident Records. We do the hard work so you can take the simplest steps to accessing your report. As soon as we identify the location of your report, we’ll provide the details straight to your inbox. It’s that simple!

Get Texas Accident Reports Online

Do you need an accident report in Texas? Trust Auto Accident Records to help.

Get started by completing our online form and using our free lookup service. And there’s no obligation, but we can match you with doctors and lawyers to help with your claims process!

Crash report forms can be complex, but at Auto Accident Records, we keep things simple. All you need are a few short details, and we’ll help you find your report. Contact us to learn more or start the process now!